Ever wondered how some teachers, and pastors pray when they are alone with God? To help you, Julie who has 30 years of experience in teaching on prayer and mobilising people from around the world to pray, has opened a window to her heart, revealing a selection of her private moments with the Lord. Some of you may be surprised at the uncomplicated level of intimacy in real situations Julie has faced and sought the Heavenly Father for. Fifth Watch – “it’s just after 6:15am this morning, and the sun isn’t rising over this big city of London I live in. Pale grey clouds are hanging low over our heads…”
In this simple easy to follow cd Julie breaks down the effective biblical times to pray, and what to pray for. (6:00am – 9:00am Arts & Entertainment) “I welcome new healing power to flow through every part of me, my emotions, my body, my relationships and through every place in the society around me.”
There is a wealth of scripture to support and encourage your prayer life and pages for you to journal and make personal notes.
The audio teaching of the Watches recorded “live” at the Barn compliments the Prayer Watches book with further teaching and scripture guiding you through the 24 hours.
What other say about the cd:
The Lord is calling each of us to stand as watchmen on the walls of His Kingdom today! As I studied and prayed through Julie Anderson’s anointed teaching, my heart was raised to climb higher on the battlements and the eyes of my heart were lifted to see farther, into eternity! Our prayer victory as watchmen on the walls in our own generation will have an eternal effect! Thank you Julie for your faithful call for every believer to join you on the walls in battle! I highly recommend this anointed teaching for every believer!
Bodie Thoene. Author
The Lord has given Julie Anderson an understanding of The Watches of the Lord that will bring you into a new depth of prayer. Julie lives this message. Every believer desires more of God’s presence and to be found faithful to “watch and pray” and this is a beautiful tool to help us do just that.
Dr. Cindy Jacobs. Generals International.