Character – The Core of Christlike Leadership.
4 Sessions by Rod Anderson:
There are many leadership styles; business, athletics, etc, but to be a leader after the model of Jesus Christ and the Father is our goal. Therefore we must start at the lowest common denominator: God is LOVE! Everything, said and done by Jesus Christ, was through the filter of heaven’s definition of love, not the world’s. Success isn’t measured by numbers or great charisma in speech from the Lord’s perspective, but rather by how much of heaven’s love is allowed to flow through us, toward others. Character, His love, is what our God looks for, as evidence of Christlike leadership.
Prayer and Intimacy with Our Purpose and Our Creator.
4 Sessions by Julie Anderson:
I believe the most important thing we learn as a Christian leader is to trust God and His Word and persevere in our prayers. As you listen to these teachings may you find the nuggets you need to help others and never give up.