CHANGE is part of life, and is good – although most of us resist it, even though Romans 8:28 says “All things work together for good…”
Cindy Jacobs talks about turning around our thoughts and prayers and gives us a strong prophetic perspective. As we learn to become more positive in our thinking, and praise God and give Him thanks in every situation, we gain new strengths. God is using praying women today in the world and it’s all good. Cindy addresses the secret of increase and how to walk in supernatural abundance.
Julie Anderson talks about how each of us can make a difference in whatever stage we are in, and we can learn how to discover our influence in society, and how our heartfelt prayers avail much. Each of us carry different assignments, with different aspects to pray for and act upon. As we continue to pray for revival in Europe and the rest of the world, already many children are awakening spiritually. We can especially know how to pray for Muslim women.
Tiffany Buhler shares her life circumstances and how her faith and prayer strengthens her to walk by faith.